Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Krater & Hohl: the new brand

Welcome to my new company, Krater & Hohl. We makes holes. All kinds of holes, in most things, on things, about things etc. 

This is a company that offers possibilities - not only where a hole can go but what you can put into it. K&H is not a hole filling company but simply a hole making company. We give you a hole to do with what you will. Or maybe hole itself is all that is needed - after all, who doesn't like a nice hole?

These people are unhappy with a hole. We promise higher standards 
than our competitors.

It is important to say that K&H does not sell a commodity. Nor is it a service for everyone who desires a hole in their lives. K&H is a consultant and an implementer. We meet with you to discuss the possibilities of having a hole and then figure out all the details of making that hole happen.

After all, holes are a little different than other products. We can't sell making a void in a solid on the supermarket shelf and sending a lawyer in a van with a shovel simply isn't sufficient. We hold high standards for the creation of holes and seriously consider their future effects. Not every hole is timely but we work to find the best hole for your vision. We adapt the concept of hole to all possible circumstances. (with notable exceptions)

Here are a couple kinds of holes that we can make!:
  1. Paper: When you loose your hole-punch or make your own staples
  2. The ground: Only to the Asthenosphere
  3. Shoes: Best for getting your enemies' socks wet
  4. Walls: Great for windows
  5. Arguments: Beat them every time
  6. Or anything else! No job too big or definition too obscure!

We do not make holes in: doughnuts/bagels, swiss cheese, stump speeches, beehives (don't mess with bees), the vacuum of space, your friend's head (except the ear), wicker furniture, the prosecutor's argument, Florida

Up next: Branding Krater & Hohl.
 For the savvy, mercurial, plotting consumer. 

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